Announcing our new timezone tools, plus CSV and SQL tools


Announcing Our New AI-Powered DevTools Website!

use ai with regex

A few days ago, we launched the new version of our website, and we couldn't be more excited!

While there might still be a few bugs to iron out, this new version allows us to move forward much faster. We’ve rebuilt everything from scratch using NextJS, TailwindCSS, and Mantine.

But that's not all—we've integrated some cool AI features into our most popular DevTools.

Now, with the help of AI (powered by OpenAI), you can generate MermaidJS diagrams, Graphviz diagrams, JQ queries, Regex patterns, and more.

Why AI-Powered DevTools?

Expression languages and domain-specific languages (DSLs) are powerful but often tricky to remember. For example, I frequently forget which character signifies the beginning of a line in regex or how to parse a datetime in JQ.

While you could ask ChatGPT directly for help with writing regex, our website takes it a step further by combining:

  1. Prompt generation that asks you for structured context.
  2. Integrated playgrounds where you can immediately try out the suggestions.

See the examples below:

Using JQ to Extract Information from JSON

When you click the "Ask AI" button, the UI highlights the parts where you need to provide:

  1. Extra context
  2. Input JSON
  3. Expected output

Check out the screenshot example. use ai with JQ

After the AI generates the prompt, we prefill the answer into the JQ playground so you can immediately see the result.

Generate MermaidJS Diagrams

When you click the "Ask AI" button, the UI will prompt you to provide some context. use ai with mermaidjs After the AI generates the prompt, we prefill the answer into the MermaidJS playground so you can immediately see the result.

We hope you enjoy these new features and find them as useful as we do. Happy coding!

Write Regular Expressions

When you click the "Ask AI" button, the UI will prompt you to provide input text and some context. use ai with regex After the AI generates the prompt, we prefill the answer into the Regex playground so you can immediately see the result.

Generate Graphviz Diagrams

When you click the "Ask AI" button, the UI will prompt you to provide some context. use ai with graphviz After the AI generates the prompt, we prefill the answer into the Graphviz playground so you can immediately see the result.

Give it a try

  1. JQ playground with AI
  2. MermaidJS playground
  3. Graphviz playground
  4. Regex playground